Week 1 (Beginning the day after surgery):
- Keep the splint as dry as possible. Call the office if the dressing comes off.
- Sleep on your back with the head of the bed elevated 30-45 degrees.
- Continue ice compresses as much as possible for 3 days following surgery. (After the first night they do not have to be continued during sleep.)
- Take a decongestant if you get a cold. This may decrease drainage; however, it will not improve stuffiness due to swelling for 7-10 days. It may cause drowsiness, so do not take it unless needed.
- Maintain sitting or standing position as much as possible to reduce swelling. Remember to rest when you tire.
- Clean outside incisions (if they were required for surgery) with peroxide or a Q-tip and apply Vaseline 4 times a day.
- Wear mustache dressing as much as needed to catch any drainage.
- Apply lipstick with lip brush only.
- Brush upper teeth with finger and washcloth.
- Open mouth if sneezing occurs.
- Use a decongestant nose spray such as Afrin or Neo-Synephrine if bleeding should occur. Remain quiet; most bleeding will stop on its own. If bleeding continues for 10 minutes, call the doctor.
- Bend over or lift heavy objects.
- Bump or hit the nose.
- Tweeze brows for 1 week.
- Sniff or forcefully breathe through the nose.
- Put anything in your nose unless specifically directed to do so.
- Wipe nose with Kleenex or handkerchief, use the drip pad.
- Blow nose for 7 days.
- Grin or smile excessively.
- Eat chewy foods for 1 week.
- Engage in strenuous exercise for 2 weeks. No diving or skiing for 2 months and no contact sports for 4 months.
- Use nose sprays unless nose bleed occurs.
Week 2:
- Apply Vaseline inside the nostrils and press nostrils together if crusting occurs.
- Wash nose with mild soap (Ivory or Neutrogena) and cotton ball.
- Wear glasses directly on the nose. This could permanently disfigure the nose. Glasses should be suspended with tape or cheek pads for at least 6 weeks.
The nose will be swollen for about two weeks after surgery.
The tip of the nose will be numb for several months.
Most importantly, remember to contact the office if questions or problems occur.
For Questions:
Call the office at 662-327-4432.