
Each spring, summer, and fall, tiny pollen grains are released from trees, weeds, and grasses. These grains hitch rides on currents of air. Although the mission of pollen is to fertilize parts of other plants, many never reach their targets. Instead, pollen enters human noses and throats, triggering a type of seasonal allergic rhinitis called pollen allergy. Many people know this as hay fever. Of all the things that can cause an allergy, pollen is one of the most common. Many of the foods, medicines, or animals that cause allergies can be avoided to a great extent. Even insects and household dust are escapable. But short of staying indoors, with the windows closed, when the pollen count is high (and even that may not help) there is no easy way to avoid airborne pollen.

What is pollen?

Plants produce tiny (too tiny to see with the naked eye) round or oval pollen grains to reproduce. The types of pollen that most commonly cause allergic reactions are produced by the plain-looking plants (trees, grasses, and weeds) that do not have showy flowers. These plants make small, light, dry pollen grains that are custom-made for wind transport. Amazingly, scientists have collected samples of ragweed pollen 400 miles out at sea and 2 miles high in the air. Because airborne pollen can drift for many miles, it does little good to rid an area of an offending plant. In addition, most allergenic pollen comes
from plants that produce it in huge quantities. For example, a single ragweed plant can generate a million grains of pollen a day.

The type of allergens in the pollen is the main factor that determines whether the pollen is likely to cause hay fever. For example, pine tree pollen is produced in large amounts by a common tree, which would make it a good candidate for causing allergy. It is, however, a relatively rare cause of allergy because the types of allergens in pine pollen appear to make it less allergenic.

Among North American plants, weeds are the most prolific producers of allergenic pollen. Ragweed is the major culprit, but other important sources are sagebrush, pigweed, lamb’s quarters, Russian thistle (tumbleweed), and English plantain. Grasses and trees, too, are important sources of allergenic pollens. Although more than 1,000 species of grass grow in North America, only a few produce highly allergenic pollen. It is common to hear people say they are allergic to colorful or scented flowers like roses. In fact, only florists, gardeners, and others who have prolonged, close contact with flowers are likely to be sensitive to pollen from these plants. Most people have little contact with the large, heavy, waxy pollen grains of such flowering plants because this type of pollen is not carried by wind but by insects such as butterflies and bees.

Some Grasses that Produce Pollen:
  • Timothy grass
  • Kentucky bluegrass
  • Johnson grass
  • Bermuda grass
  • Redtop grass
  • Orchard grass
  • Sweet vernal grass
Some Trees that Produce Pollen:
  • Oak
  • Ash
  • Elm
  • Hickory
  • Pecan
  • Box Elder
  • Mountain Cedar

When do plants make pollen?

One of the most obvious features of pollen allergy is its seasonal nature. People have symptoms only when the pollen grains to which they are allergic are in the air. Each plant has a pollinating period that is more or less the same from year to year. Exactly when a plant starts to pollinate seems to depend on the relative length of night and day, and therefore on geographical location, rather than on the weather. On the other hand, weather conditions during pollination can affect the amount of pollen produced and distributed in a specific year.

Common Allergies

  • Pollen

    Each spring, summer, and fall, tiny pollen grains are released from trees, weeds, and grasses. These grains hitch rides on currents of air. Although the mission of pollen is to Read More
  • Mold

    There are thousands of types of molds and yeasts in the fungus family. Yeasts are single cells that divide to form clusters. Molds are made of many cells that grow Read More
  • House Dust and Dust Mite

    Dust mite allergy is an allergy to a microscopic organism that lives in the dust found in all dwellings and workplaces. House dust, as well as some house furnishings, contains Read More
  • Food

    Food allergy affects up to 6 to 8 percent of children under the age of three and 2 percent of adults. If you have an unpleasant reaction to something you Read More
  • Animal

    Household pets are the most common source of allergic reactions to animals. Many people think that pet allergy is provoked by the fur of cats and dogs. Researchers have found, Read More
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We can help you manage your allergies.

  • Allergy Diagnosis
  • Allergy Prevention
  • Allergy Treatment

People with allergy symptoms, such as the runny nose of allergic rhinitis, may at first suspect they have a cold, but the “cold” lingers on. Testing for allergies is the best way to find out if a person is allergic.

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Pollen and Molds

Complete avoidance of allergenic pollen or mold means moving to a place where the offending substance does not grow and where it is not present in the air. Even this extreme solution may offer only temporary relief

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If you cannot adequately avoid airborne allergens, your symptoms can often be controlled by medicines. You can buy medicines without a prescription that can relieve allergy symptoms. If, however, they don’t give you relief or they cause unwanted side

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